Category: Tie Dye T-Shirts Kids Short Sleeve

Tie Dye T-Shirts kids are a fun and colorful way to dress. Therefore, you may use colors to stimulate your kids. For example, blue enhances creativity and stimulates a cool and relaxing environment; red revitalizes and boosts the spirit; yellow is the sunshine color or happiness.

High-quality material 100% pre-shrunk heavyweight cotton, and high-quality dyes as well to warranty a minimum release of dye (bleed of dye) or fading.

Since these are handmade, you are taking with you a piece of art, unique. Although the pattern is the same, there are not two t-shirts exactly alike.


Tie dye has been available since the 1960s in the US and around the world. It came to represent a way to reject the regular fashion standards established in society. Moreover, it is a symbol of connection with the universe through its spectrum of colors.

If you think that tie dye started during the 1960s, you would be mistaken; the process received the name of “Tie Dye” in 1909. It started as “resist dyeing” due to the efforts to prevent the dye from reaching all the fabric, thereby creating a pattern. There are many techniques and dyes to get different results. Using wax: the cloth receives a treatment with wax or some form of paste before dyeing it; mechanical: by tying, stitching, or clamping the fabric, using clothespins or rubber bands, for example, the Tie Dye t-shirts kids; chemical: treatment using dyes that react with the fabric.

What we know today as tie dye started as “Resist dyeing” in ancient times, in Eurasia and Africa. The first discoveries of wax dyeing were from Egypt in the fourth century. It was used for mummy wrappings and the dye was a mixture of blood and ashes.

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